How to make Action shots
1. use manual focus and manual exposure to lock in your settings before taking the shot
2. enable the high speed continuous shutter mode and then just lean on the shutter button when the action starts
3. the long telephoto works great if you have bright sunlight
4. use the lowest ISO and fastest shutter speed that you can
Posted by
Sijo Kodiyan
Memory Card Selection for the camera
Here thee is a lot of memory card specifications in size and speed or class.
I would like to point out a couple of points about it.
SDHC cards are coming as Class 2 to Class 6. Its speed is according to the class. eg. Class 2 is 2mb/sec, class 6 is 6mb/sec. Anyway SD cards have more speed compared to SDHC.
When it comes to memory cards, bigger is not always better. Please
keep in mind that if you choose to purchase a very large card, and that card is subsequently lost, corrupted, or damaged, you will have lost a great deal of memory and many, many images. Extremely high-capacity cards are most often used by professional photographers who shoot several hundred (or even several thousand) images in a single session. They are not
necessarily the best choice for the average digital camera owner. You
may wish to consider investing in several smaller cards. If one of the
cards is lost or damaged, you will have other cards to use. Another
fact to consider is that as larger cards are introduced, the cost of
smaller cards usually decreases. Of course, you may use whatever card you wish; the above information is provided so that you can make an informed decision.
Posted by
Sijo Kodiyan
Custom white balance please
How to white balance on your camera...
You simply aim at something white (really white not just "off white") such as a piece of paper and set the custom white balance in the WB settings area.
You're good to go until your lighting situation changes. If you turn on lights that weren't on when you set the WB, you need to set it again. If you've moved to a new location (e.g. different room--not just a slightly different angle in the same place), you need to set it again.
Basically, all you're doing is telling the camera what white looks like in the current lighting situation. Aperture and exposure times don't influence the WB setting.
Posted by
Sijo Kodiyan
Rechargable battery 1.2V or 1.5V
In market, usually rechargeable batteries are available as 1.2V, and normal batteries as 1.5V. You may get different one. But this is the real fact. Anyway, The combination of the cells voltages coming under the safe level of camera operation.
Posted by
Sijo Kodiyan
Focus Lock and AF Lock
AF-Lock: controlling focus
Gain more control over where the camera focuses when you depress the shutter-release button half-way. Say you want to focus on the subject that is off to one side in a scene. Move your digital camera so the focus area indicator is on the subject. Then press the shutter-release button down half way to lock focus. While holding the button in this position, recompose and then fully depress the button to take your shot. This helps ensure that the main subject is in sharp focus rather than a random object selected by the camera.
Focus Lock is very useful and I use it regularly. It can be used to pre-focus a shot ahead of time so that you don't have to wait for the camera to focus in an action-shot situation. I also use it when I am taking several shots of the same scene and don't want to bother refocusing each time. This is especially nice for low-light situations or other instances where the camera may have trouble focusing...this way you can get it right once and spend your time on other aspects of the shot rather than dealing with the focus.
Posted by
Sijo Kodiyan